Types of Hauntings
There are four main types of hauntings that paranormal investigators recognize. We will explain each in detail, including how to recognize them.
Investigations and discoverings into ghosts, cryptids, and exotic creatures.
There are four main types of hauntings that paranormal investigators recognize. We will explain each in detail, including how to recognize them.
Many people believe in ghosts, but is there any truth to their existence? And what should Christians believe about spirits and hauntings?
Can ghosts speak? This is a question that has been asked for centuries. Do they have a voice? Are they able to make themselves heard? Learn more here.
People are prone to cognitive biases, and this can make them more susceptible to pseudoscientific beliefs. Learn more about the role of cognitive biases here.
Intelligent hauntings are a type of haunting where a spirit or ghost can interact with the living. Learn the signs and how to get rid of one.
Are Angels Ghosts or Spirits? What are the differences between these supernatural beings? Discover the truth here in this revealing article!
Residual hauntings are a form of paranormal activity that many people believe is the result of extreme emotions or traumatic events. Unlike other types of
The Physics of the Supernatural is a book by Lawrence LeShan. It takes a metaphysical look at the world and explores the possibility of supernatural events.
Have you ever felt like your house is haunted? These are the signs to watch out for, from temperature changes to electrical disturbances.
Ghost stories are often dismissed as frivolous, but the best ones have important things to say. Here’s a rundown of the best ghost stories in literature.