The Science Behind the Power of Thought
The power of thought is the foundation of everything in existence. It is the source of all creation, the basis of all relationships and the essence of all life.
The power of thought is the foundation of everything in existence. It is the source of all creation, the basis of all relationships and the essence of all life.
In 1994 Dr. Masaru Emoto began experiments in which he exposed water to a variety of stimuli. The results were astonishing. Thin White Lie investigates.
From the King of the Evil Spirits to the Cannibal Spirit, here are 10 unique demons from around the world to spice up your Halloween season.
The Evolution of Religion is a feature documentary that explores the origins of faith, the power of belief and the influence of religion on culture.
In the latest installment of our ongoing series about the relationship between cinema and science, we explore the brain and the mind.
The Evolution of Religion is a feature-length documentary exploring the origins of religion, the role it plays in society, and the rise of secularism.
The character of a fallen angel is a powerful trope that exists in a multitude of mythologies, religions and works of fiction. A fallen angel is a being that…
The Evolution of God is a compelling examination of how the idea of God could have evolved, and how God has been used to justify violence throughout history.
If you’re trying to figure out which demon to summon to help with your nefarious dealings, it’s important to understand the hierarchy of Hell.
God may be a human construct, but the idea of God can still be useful. Explore how the God of the Gaps can be a helpful idea to combat atheism.